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BC Adventures Zone

BC Adventures Zone   Think you know all that British Columbia has to offer? Visit the BC Adventures Zone at the Show and find out about amazing excursions and fun weekends away you could enjoy right in your backyard. Science has proven that time in nature can...

Adventure Travel Zone

Adventure Travel Zone   As an outdoor enthusiast, regardless of your chosen adventure pursuit, you will always be on the lookout for a new and exciting playground. And isn’t it true that the perfect location is half the fun when it comes to playing in the great...


   Visit us and win a trip that’ll change your world.   We who travel — who really travel — are a different breed. Because we don’t want what’s scripted. We want what’s real. To us, travel isn’t a checklist of photo ops and trendy hot spots. It’s about...

Camping Showcase

Camping Showcase   There is no better way to feel “at one” with nature than to camp overnight in the great outdoors. With this lifestyle comes the need for tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, cookers, camping furniture, first aid, footwear, lighting, guidebooks and...

Paddlers’ Paradise

  Are you a paddling enthusiast? If so, you can’t afford to miss the Paddlers’ Paradise Pavilion with everything from cutting edge equipment and gear, clothing and accessories, to tour operators, and education for a full range of paddle sports. Paddling legends...