Rates & Demographics


Booth Costs:

  • $1,745.00 per 10′ x 10′ Booth
  • $3,490.00 per 10′ x 20′ Booth
  • Bulk rate: booth space 400 sq. ft. or larger. – Call for pricing
  • Corner booth – $150 premium


Who attends the Show?

21,400 + outdoor enthusiasts attended the Toronto show in 2024.

Consumers of the Outdoor Adventure Show are committed to a lifestyle that involves sports and activities of all kinds, from hiking, paddle sports and adventure travel to mountain biking, climbing, adventure racing, scuba diving and hiking. They are “doers”, not watchers. These individuals embrace life with passion and challenge themselves physically and emotionally to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction.

The attendees of this show represent a mass market demographic with strong representation in the 18 to 54 range. Our visitors, both male and female, are keen multi-sport enthusiasts and are in the prime of their spending years. Whether novice or expert, this market spends substantially on clothing, gear and travel. These consumers have the means and the desire to invest in a wide variety of products and services that will enhance their experiences and assist them in reaching their personal goals.


Age Demographics:

8% were under 24 years old
24% were 25-34 years old
23% were 35-44 years old
25% were 45-54 years old
20% were over 55 years old

More exposure, more leads, more sales!

Become an Exhibitor:

Contact your Sales Rep:

For more information on how your business can grow by participating in the Toronto Outdoor Adventure Show, contact Crystal Bendelac today!

Crystal BendelacTel: 1-800-891-4859, ext. 226Fax: 905-477-7872Email: crystal@nationalevent.com